
Testimonial of Te Mak Oil Blend

I’ve used a lot of essential oils in my life I’ve worked with quite a few different companies, but none of them have come close to the results that I see when I use Uttati oils. I’ve had issues with PMS most of my life and have suffered from headaches and cramps as a result. I’ve tried many different essential oils that were indicated for pain/inflammation and none of them seem to help until I found this Uttati blend called Te Mak, it worked wonders! When I had a terrible headache I put a drop on the area of the pain and it immediately reduces the pain to almost nothing; after I found that it worked for headaches I started using on my abdomen where I was having cramps and it brought the pain level down to a level that was bearable which is amazing because usually most over the counter pain medications wouldn’t even touch the pain at all. Overall, I have been highly impressed with this blend from Uttati. I’ve recommended it to some of my other family members who’ve been dealing with headaches and they have also gotten relief from it as well.

Rachel Friesen

Testimonial of Te Mak Oil Blend

I’ve been work for a thermoforming plastic company for many years and as a result from constant repetitive movement I developed major tendonitis and nerve pain in my arm that extended all the way down to my fingertips. The pain had gotten so bad one day that I couldn’t even move my hand to do my work. So, I went to my primary care physician and he prescribed Vicodin which helped with some of the pain but then my arm just became unresponsive I’m not sure if it was from the numbness or what but I couldn’t do my work either so I discontinued Vicodin. Shortly after, someone recommended to me Te Mak oil. I’ve been rubbing it on my arm daily and I’ve regained the responsiveness & feeling back in my arm and hands and the pain that I know suffer with is very minimal as a result of using Te Mak. The relief is also long lasting, I only have to apply the oil once a day.

Isaac Friesen